Nestled in the heart of Yotsuya, Tokyo, lies a place where the magic of childhood comes to life. The Tokyo Toy Museum, housed in a charming former elementary school building, is a haven for children and the young at heart. With a collection of over 10,000 toys from Japan and around the world, this museum offers a hands-on experience that sparks the imagination and creativity of visitors of all ages.
The Tokyo Toy Museum spans three floors, each dedicated to a unique aspect of play and exploration. At Toy Square Red, immerse yourself in the world of traditional Japanese toys, offering a glimpse into the rich local culture. The museum’s diverse collection showcases toys that have transcended generations, bridging the gap between past and present.
Unleash Your Creativity: For those feeling inspired, the museum’s toy workshop provides a space for visitors to unleash their creativity. All ages are welcome to participate in classes where recycled toys are brought to life. It’s a wonderful opportunity for families to bond while crafting their own unique playthings.
With its “Play, Create, and Meet” ethos, the Tokyo Toy Museum is more than just a showcase of toys; it’s an interactive playground where children can engage with toys in a meaningful way. The museum’s renovation project prioritized the use of domestic wood, creating an inviting and warm atmosphere.
Omocha-no-Mori (Toy Forest): One of the museum’s highlights is “Omocha-no-Mori” or Toy Forest, where visitors can explore a world of wooden wonder. Dive into a ball pool filled with 20,000 wooden balls made from Hokkaido hardwood and discover an exhibition of toys from around the globe. It’s a celebration of the craftsmanship and creativity of toy makers.
Special Spaces for All Ages: The Tokyo Toy Museum caters to visitors of all ages. For the youngest explorers, there’s “Akachan Mokuiku Hiroba,” a Baby’s Wooden Education Room designed for babies up to 2 years old. And for those eager to create, the museum’s workshop allows visitors to craft toys from everyday materials, sparking innovation and resourcefulness.
The Tokyo Toy Museum is a place where nostalgia meets innovation, where the joy of play knows no bounds. It’s a celebration of culture, creativity, and the timeless wonder of toys. As you explore the museum’s halls, don’t forget to visit the museum shop, where wooden toys await as perfect souvenirs. Whether you’re a parent, a child, or simply a lover of all things playful, this museum invites you to touch, feel, and experience the magic of childhood once more.
Website: Tokyo Toy Museum